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Scripture Songs

What  are Scripture Songs

Scripture songs are songs produced by IMAZAVA using only scripture verses.   They part of the foundation of our discipleship program to include believers who have no formal education and read.  The verses are chosen from a specific teaching in scripture, for example:  John 3:16 would be chosen to teach the love of God and salvation.   Once the verses are selected a melody is added to produce a new song.  Most major doctrines would span three to four songs that we group together as a set.  The songs are used along with the 4Ms, DPAP and 5~1~1 discipleship tools used to nature believers in knowing, trusting and obeying God.  

Why we chose to produce Scriptural Songs

God commands every believer to grow to maturity and become perfect in Christ.  Col: 1:28  In the developed world most people can read or have some formal education.    However, among the Antemoro, especially in the villages, there are many who cannot read or write.   This poses challenges that must be factored into the discipleship model.   The scripture songs are a simple, biblical and reproducible way to overcome this challenge.   

How the Scripture Songs Help in the Mission

We are commanded to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Matt 28.  That is a universal call to all followers of Jesus Christ.  How that command is effective in each generation and culture is the challenge of the missionary.   The message must remain biblical yet be culturally relevant, effective and easily transferable to other believer for the kingdom to continue to other generation.  The songs accomplish these goals for present and continuing effectiveness.   

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